In September 2017, Hurricane Maria swept over the island of Puerto Rico, killing an estimated 5,000 American citizens and flattening the homes, schools and businesses of many thousands more. Despite the efforts of the citizens of the island and the influx of assistance from a variety of non-governmental organizations, more help is needed. DESIGN-ED is seeking your assistance to help a small sector of the Puerto Rican population, the students.
DESIGN-ED Trustee Joe Schwartz and his wife Dawn visited the island in March and brought 50 pounds of supplies for one kindergarten class. This was ramped up to a donation drive spearheaded by Dawn at her elementary school in Sayreville, NJ that acquired more than 300 pounds of supplies for another elementary school. Now, using DESIGN-ED's network of contacts and resources, they are looking to help even more.
Many schools still are without power as resources are scarce and are being reallocated to other infrastructure needs. Even basic necessities such as pencils, notebooks, crayons and lesson materials are difficult to find. DESIGN-ED is initiating an effort to provide some basic classroom materials to the teachers and students. Starting with these two schools and the expectation to expand to as many as possible, DESIGN-ED is looking for assistance to help finance the purchase of materials as well as arrange for shipping and transportation needs. Donations of bulk goods are welcome as well.
Specifically, we are looking for brand new school supplies in the form of:
Marble composition books
Colored pencils
Colored markers
Scissors (all types)
Drawing paper
Craft supplies
Art supplies
Elmers Glue and glue sticks
DESIGN-ED is a 501c3 charitable organization. All donations are fully tax-deductible. To coordinate efforts or to make further inquiries, please contact Joe Schwartz:
344 Crescent Avenue
Spotswood, NJ 08884

A luggage full of supplies!

Dawn Schwartz, Annette Castro and Joe Schwartz

Mrs. Castro's class!

A luggage full of supplies!